How Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Rewires Your Brain

How Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Rewires Your Brain

Depression can be tricky to treat. Two-thirds of people being treated for depression find that the first antidepressant they try is ineffective. Up to one-third don’t even respond to several different kinds of treatment. 

Fortunately, with modern-day technology, there are other treatment options besides medication and psychotherapy. 

Hina Sidhu, MD, and her team at Revîv Functional Psychiatry & TMS Wellness Center offer transcranial magnetic stimulation to give you the relief you need from your depression. 

What is transcranial magnetic stimulation?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a new and innovative treatment procedure for depression, especially for those who haven’t responded to medication and psychotherapy. It’s used to target the parts of your brain that control mood and other symptoms of depression. 

TMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses an electromagnetic coil placed on your head to send electromagnetic pulses deep into the brain tissue. Your brain is electrically active, and the electromagnetic pulses will cause the neurons in your brain that control mood and feelings of pleasure to be activated. 

In addition, TMS can activate parts of your brain that don’t function well or have very limited activity due to depression. 

What to expect from a TMS treatment

A standard TMS procedure will take about 20 minutes and needs to be repeated five days a week for six weeks. You should start to notice the results of the treatment around the 2-3 week mark.

Before the procedure, Dr. Sidhu will determine the intensity of electromagnetic pulses that are needed to properly stimulate the targeted parts of your brain. Every person is different and will need different amounts of stimulation.

During the procedure, you should experience little to no discomfort, and less than a 0.1% chance of severe side effects like seizures or loss of consciousness. After the first few treatments, you may have mild headaches or tingling where the coil was placed, but they should start to dissipate after several visits.

Why should you choose TMS?

If your depression has not responded to different kinds of medication and therapy, TMS could be a great next step. 50-60% of those whose depression didn’t respond to medication found encouraging results with TMS, with up to one-third experiencing full remission.

If you’d like to learn more about how TMS can help with your treatment-resistant depression, call our office at 714-868-8514 or book an appointment online today.

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